Repeatability & Reproducibility Analysis - Analyze Data File Tab

Select the Analyze data file tab of the

Repeatability & Reproducibility Analysis

dialog box to access the options described here.

Click the Variables button to display the standard variable selection dialog box in which you specify:
  1. The variable that contains the code numbers (or text labels) uniquely identifying the operator to which each data point (measurement) belongs;
  2. The variable that contains the code numbers (or text labels) uniquely identifying the part to which each data point (measurement) belongs;
  3. The variable that contains the code numbers (or text labels) uniquely identifying the trial to which each data point (measurement) belongs (if no variable is specified here, then Statistica assumes that a single-trial, abridged experiment was performed; in that case, repeatability and reproducibility cannot be estimated separately);
  4. The variable containing the measurements.
Codes: (for operators, parts, trials)
Click the Codes: (for operators, parts, trials) button to display the standard multiple code selection dialog box, in which you specify the actual codes that were used to uniquely identify each measurement with respect to operator, part, and trial (if multiple trials were performed).