Repeatability & Reproducibility Design

Specify the number of operators, parts, and trials for the R & R design via the

Repeatability & Reproducibility Analysis - Generate design

tab and click the OK button in the Repeatability & Reproducibility Analysis dialog box to display the Repeatability & Reproducibility Design dialog box, which contains two tabs:

Data files

and R & R data sheets. Use the options on these tabs to specify the way you want to save or display the design (i.e., either as a standard Statistica data file or as a standard R & R data sheet).

Click the Summary button to create a spreadsheet that specifies the combinations of levels of the different factors in the study. The spreadsheet contains an extra blank column; thus, you can print the spreadsheet to produce a convenient data entry form.
Click the Cancel button to return to the Repeatability & Reproducibility Analysis dialog box.
Click the Options button to display the Options menu.
By Group
 Click the By Group button to display the By Group specification dialog box.