Weibull Analysis: Results (Raw Data) - Reliability & Distribution Function Tab
Select the Reliability & distribution function tab of the Weibull Analysis: Results (Raw Data) dialog box to access the options described here.
Note: Computation of confidence limits for maximum likelihood parameter estimates. The reliability function is bounded in the 0-1 interval, and the approximate normal confidence interval is computed adjusting for this restriction in range. Refer to Nelson (1990, Section 5.7) for computational details. Also, Dodson (1994) cautions against the interpretation of confidence intervals computed from maximum likelihood estimates when the shape parameter is less than 2; in that case the variance estimates computed for maximum likelihood estimates lack accuracy.
Note: Computation of nonparametric estimates of reliability and confidence intervals. When the Nonparametric option button is selected in the Conf. intervals box (see below), then the estimate of the reliability for each observed failure time is computed based on the respective ranks. For data without censoring or single censored, the method for computing the estimate of the cumulative distribution function (and reliability function) can be selected in the Failure orders for no/single censoring group box (see below); for multiple censoring data, a weighted average ordered failure is computed as described in Dodson (1994). Note that in addition to the nonparametric confidence intervals (e.g., 95% confidence interval), these plots will also show the center (50th percentile) of the confidence interval.
When the Max. likelihood option button is set (see below), the values for the cumulative distribution function will be computed from the
c urrent parameter values/estimates
When the Nonparametric option button is selected (see below), the plot will be based on the nonparametric (rank-based) estimates of the cumulative distribution function, along with the nonparametric confidence intervals and the center (50th percentile) of the interval; refer to the description of the Time-to-fail vs. R(t) option for comments and references regarding the computation of these values (note that R(t)=1-F(t)). This plot can be used to derive parameter estimates for the two-parameter Weibull distribution. For this purpose, the plot includes the linear fit line (by default in the same color as the points) for the plotted observed failure times (failure orders), and the parameter estimates derived from the plot will be shown in the graph title. Specifically, the shape parameter is equal to the slope of the linear fit-line, and the scale parameter can be estimated as exp(-intercept/slope). See also Hahn and Shapiro (1967) for a detailed description of distribution fitting techniques based on probability plotting.
Reliability values and conf. intervals. Click the Reliability values and conf. intervals button to display a spreadsheet with the reliability and cumulative distribution function values (and confidence intervals based on the maximum likelihood parameter values, or nonparametric confidence intervals) for each observed failure time. These values are computed in the same manner as for the plots (i.e., they depend on the setting of the Max likelihood or Nonparametric option buttons; see below).
Note: Computation of confidence limits for maximum likelihood parameter estimates. The cumulative distribution function is bounded in the 0-1 interval, and the approximate normal confidence interval is computed adjusting for this restriction in range. Refer to Nelson (1990, Section 5.7) for computational details. Also, Dodson (1994) cautions against the interpretation of confidence intervals computed from maximum likelihood estimates when the shape parameter is less than 2; in that case the variance estimates computed for maximum likelihood estimates lack accuracy.
Note: Computation of nonparametric estimates of reliability and confidence intervals. When the Nonparametric option button is selected in the Conf. intervals group box, then the estimate of the cumulative distribution function is computed based on the ranked failure times. For data without censoring or single censoring, the method for computing the estimate of the cumulative distribution function can be selected in the Failure orders for no/single censoring group box; for multiple censored data, a weighted average ordered failure is computed as described in Dodson (1994). Note that in addition to the nonparametric confidence intervals (e.g., 95% confidence interval), these plots will also show the center (50th percentile) of the confidence interval.
S(t)=Õj=t1[(n-j) / (n-j+1)]δ (j)
In this equation, n is the total number of cases, and Õ denotes the multiplication (geometric sum) across all cases less than or equal to t; δ(j) is a constant that is either 1 if the j'th case is uncensored (complete), and 0 if it is censored.
In addition to the standard Kaplan-Meier estimate, the confidence intervals for the estimates are also computed and shown in the plot. The confidence limits are computed based on the standard errors of the Kaplan-Meier estimates (e.g., see Lawless, 1982), and using the formulas for 0-1 range restricted estimators as described in Nelson (1990). Note that the percentile value for the confidence interval will be taken from the CL (Confidence limit) box on the Advanced tab.