Attribute Data MSA Results Dialog Box and Quick Tab
After specifying options for the analysis in the MSA Attribute data dialog box, click the OK button to run the analysis and display the Attribute data MSA Results dialog box, which contains one tab: Quick.
Display summary in single spreadsheet
Select this check box to display the Number and type mistake by operator spreadsheet and Inspection capability spreadsheets in one summary spreadsheet.
Click the Summary button to produce the Number and type mistake by operator and Inspection capability summaries.
Number and type mistake by operator
Click the Number and type mistake by operator button to produce a cross tabulation between type of mistake and operator.
Inspection capability
Click the Inspection capability button to produce the Effectiveness, P(FR), P(FA), and Bias results for each operator. One spreadsheet displays the numerical values for each measure, the other spreadsheet displays whether those values were acceptable based on the specifications made on the
Acceptance options
tab of the MSA Attribute data dialog box.