ISO 21747 - Process Capability Setup - Options M1 (l,d) Tab / DIN 55319 - Process Capability Setup - Options M3, M4 Tab
Select the Options M1 (l,d) tab (ISO 21747 - Process Capability Setup dialog box) or the Options M3, M4 tab (DIN 55319 - Process Capability Setup dialog box) to access the options described here.
Method M1 (l,5) / Method M3
This group box contains options for estimating location.
Estimate central tendency from sample means
Select this option button to estimate central tendency from sample means.
Estimate central tendency from sample medians
Select this option button to estimate the central tendency from sample medians.
Method M1 (l,6) / Method 4
This group box contains options for estimating Cpk.
Cpk using mean
Select this option button to estimate the Cpk using the sample means or median.
Estimate central tendency from sample means
Select this option button to estimate central tendency from the sample means.
Estimate central tendency from sample medians
Select this option button to estimate central tendency from the sample medians.
Cpk using quantile estimates of resultant distribution
Select this option button to base the estimate of Cpk on the quantile estimates of the resultant distribution.