2D Line Plots - Variables - Advanced Tab
Graphical Analytic Techniques
The Advanced tab of the 2D Line Plots Startup Panel contains a variety of options for creating 2D line plots (variables).
Regular | XY Trace |
Multiple | Aggregated |
Double-Y |
Ignore missing data. When missing data are present, a discontinuous line is drawn for that plot. You can elect to ignore missing data by selecting this check box, and a continuous line will then be drawn for that plot.
Ignore out of frame points. This check box is selected by default. This option controls whether line segments are drawn to points that fall outside the visible range when the scaling has been adjusted via the Axis - Scaling tab of the Graph Options dialog box so that some points are not in the current graph.
Linear | Negative Exponential Weighted |
Polynomial | Spline |
Logarithmic | Lowess |
Exponential | Moving Average |
Distance Weighted Least Squares | Exponential Smoothing |
Aggregated data. The options in this box (available when Aggregated line plots have been selected as the Graph type) are useful when there are very many differentiated observations in the sequence of points, in order to uncover or expose the overall pattern of the data sequence. In this case, the means of consecutive sets of N observations are plotted instead of the raw data.