Categorized Scatterplots - Overview
In general, two-dimensional scatterplots are used to visualize relations between two variables X and Y (e.g., height and weight). Categorized scatterplots further allow you to plot the values of a selected variable against the values of another selected variable broken down (categorized) by some other grouping or independent variable(s) (e.g., Gender) and thus offer a powerful exploratory and analytical technique for investigating relationships between two variables within different sub-groups. These graphs are available from the Graphs menu.
Categorized scatterplots offer a selection of categorization methods (including user-defined intervals, multiple subsets defined by logical expressions, and others). When theses graphs are generated, Statistica automatically takes into account the current Analysis/Graph Case Selection Conditions and Analysis/Graph Case Weights conditions for the variables selected for the scatterplot. One or two groupings can be represented in one graph (i.e., a graph can represent a one-way or two-way categorization of cases). If two grouping variables are selected, a "crosstabulation of graphs" is produced; you can choose to have separate plots for each category or to overlay the categorized plots in one graph using different colors and/or patterns for the individual plots.
All Statistica graph customization facilities can be used to change the appearance of these graphs or integrate them with other graphs or documents. Also, all integrated analytic facilities that are accessible from within graphs in Statistica (such as function fitting, smoothing, rotation, brushing, analytical zooming, etc.) are available and can be applied to the graphs regardless of the source of the numbers in the graph or the method that was used to create it.
For a comprehensive listing of all basic graphs, see the Graphs Menu topic.