Multiple Pies

Click the Multiple pie options button on the Plot: Pies tab of the Graph Options dialog box to display the Multiple Pies dialog box. (Note that the Multiple pie options button is only available if the Multiple option is selected on the Advanced tab of the Pie Charts dialog box.)

When a multiple histogram graph is changed to a pie chart via the Plot: Histogram tab of the Graph Options dialog box, the histogram corresponding to each variable is changed to a pie; all pies are arranged on the plot area with different coordinates of their centers. You may want to redraw your graph so that all pies have the same center (with same coordinates of their centers, but different radii). The options in this dialog box enable you to redraw multiple concentric pies of different sizes so that the redrawn pies do not "run into" each another. These options are applicable to both 2D and 3D pies.

Common center
Select the Common center check box to redraw your graph so that all pies are concentric (i.e., have a common center). Typically, in that case, you will want to plot the different variables with different radii, to produce multiple "rings" (one for each variable) around a common center.
Click the Close button to exit the dialog box and return to the Plot: Pies tab of the Graph Options dialog box.
X radius (Min:/Max:)
Once you have selected the Common center check box (see above), the pies on your graph will be redrawn one on top of the other. In that case, you want to draw each pie with a different radius, so as to produce "rings" (one for each variable) around the common center. The X radius group box is used to specify the Min: and Max: values in the respective fields that will be used as range of values (% of X-axis) for determining the X-radii (unequal) of different pies. Statistica will draw multiple concentric pies starting from the first pie with its X radius equal to Max % of X axis and the last pie with its X radius equal to Min % of X axis; the X-radii (unequal) of the remaining pies will be adjusted so as to accommodate them within the largest pie; the order of pies is maintained (as the same order as the selected variables).
Y radius (Min:/Max:)
If the multiple pies on your graph are of elliptical shape, then in order to avoid the problem of overshadowing of concentric elliptical pies, you need to specify also the range of values (% of Y-axis) in the Min: and Max: fields that will be used to set the Y-radii (unequal) of multiple pies. Statistica will draw multiple concentric elliptical pies starting from the first pie with its Y radius equal to Max % of Y axis and the last pie with its Y radius equal to Min % of Y-axis; the Y-radii (unequal) of the remaining pies will be adjusted so as to accommodate them within the largest pie. Note that the Y-radius: Min/Max values are ignored, if the multiple pies on your graph are circular.