Class TupleUpdatedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TupleUpdatedEvent
    extends AbstractTupleEvent
    The event dispatched when an existing Tuple is updated. The method getOld() will return null unless the event was propagated from a LiveResult. The LiveResult will propagate the old tuple since it maintains a local copy of all tuples in the query result.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TupleUpdatedEvent

        public TupleUpdatedEvent​(Object source,
                                 Long key,
                                 Tuple oldTuple,
                                 Tuple newTuple,
                                 List<Schema.Field> changedFields)
        source - the source of the event
        key - the unique key of the tuple
        oldTuple - the old tuple (may be null)
        newTuple - the updated tuple
        changedFields - the list of changed fields
      • TupleUpdatedEvent

        public TupleUpdatedEvent​(Object source,
                                 Long oldKey,
                                 Tuple oldTuple,
                                 Tuple newTuple,
                                 Tuple keyData,
                                 List<Schema.Field> changedFields,
                                 List<TupleFieldComparator> fieldComparators)
        source - the source of the event
        oldKey - the unique key of the tuple
        oldTuple - the old tuple (may be null)
        newTuple - the updated tuple
        keyData - The data for the full key. May be null only if oldKey is not 0.
        changedFields - the list of changed fields
        fieldComparators - The pre-built set of comparators for comparing complex keys. May be null only if oldKey is not 0.
    • Method Detail

      • getOld

        public Tuple getOld()
        Retrieve the old version of the tuple. This will return null in all cases unless it is being propagated from a LiveResult
        The old tuple
      • hasOld

        public boolean hasOld()
        See if the old tuple was included in this event
        true if old tuple is not null
      • getChangedFields

        public List<Schema.Field> getChangedFields()
        Retrieve a list of the fields that changed in this update
        field list of changed fields