Class LiveViewPermission

  • public class LiveViewPermission
    extends Object
    Class that defines LiveView permissions. A permission consists of three colon-delimited subfields: type, action, and instance. Thus, for example, "table:query:ItemsSales" represents the permission necessary to query the ItemsSales table. Various constructors are provided for creating permission objects using either the enumerations defined below or strings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LiveViewPermission

        public LiveViewPermission​(LiveViewPermission.Type type)
        One-argument constructor that wildcards the action and instance fields
        type - the permission type
      • LiveViewPermission

        public LiveViewPermission​(LiveViewPermission.Type type,
                                  LiveViewPermission.Action action)
        Two-argument constructor that wildcards the instance fields
        type - the permission type
        action - the permission action
      • LiveViewPermission

        public LiveViewPermission​(LiveViewPermission.Type type,
                                  LiveViewPermission.Action action,
                                  String instance)
        Constructor that uses enum arguments
        type - the permission type
        action - the permission action
        instance - the permission instance
      • LiveViewPermission

        public LiveViewPermission​(String type,
                                  String action,
                                  String instance)
        Constructor that uses string arguments
        type - the permission type
        action - the permission action
        instance - the permission instance