Class TupleRemovedEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • TupleRemovedEvent

        public TupleRemovedEvent​(Object source,
                                 Long key,
                                 Tuple tuple)
        source - the source of the event
        key - the key of the tuple
        tuple - the tuple being removed
      • TupleRemovedEvent

        public TupleRemovedEvent​(Object source,
                                 Long oldKey,
                                 Tuple tuple,
                                 Tuple keyData,
                                 List<TupleFieldComparator> fieldComparators)
        source - the source of the event
        oldKey - the key of the tuple
        tuple - the tuple being removed
        keyData - The data for the full key. May be null only if oldKey is not 0.
        fieldComparators - The pre-built set of comparators for comparing complex keys. May be null only if oldKey is not 0.
    • Method Detail