Class TupleCopier

  • public class TupleCopier
    extends Object
    A utility class which copies the fields from one tuple to another. TupleCopier uses the given schemas to determine which fields to copy from one Tuple to another. The strict flag on the ctor determines if an Exception is thrown if the fields in the destination schema do not match the fields in the source schema. Fields are matched by name and type. With the strict flag set to false the TupleCopier will only copy the fields between the source and destination that match field name and type. TupleCopier is more efficient than using Tuple's getField(), setField() methods to copy portions of a tuple. TupleCopier's constructor sets up the TupleCopier so that repeated calls to copyTuple() are more efficient. If a full copy is desired Tuple.clone() is probably a more efficient option. An example usage:

         TupleCopier input2OutputCopier = new TupleCopier(inputSchema, outputSchema, true);
         while (true) {
            input2OutputCopier.copyTuple(getInputTuple(), outputTuple);
            sendOutput(port, outputTuple);

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • TupleCopier

        public TupleCopier​(Schema sourceSchema,
                           Schema destSchema,
                           boolean strict)
                    throws TupleException
        Create the TupleCopier. Do some up front error checking and setting up Schema maps. This constructor will create a TupleCopier with #CopyByName semantics.
        sourceSchema - The schema of the source Tuple
        destSchema - The schema of the destination tuple
        strict - set to true will throw exceptions if schema fields do not match by name and type. Set to false and the TupleCopier will copy only fields that match by name and type.
        TupleException - with strict on if the fields do not match by name and type
      • TupleCopier

        public TupleCopier​(Schema sourceSchema,
                           Schema destSchema,
                           EnumSet<TupleCopier.Options> options)
                    throws TupleException
        Create the TupleCopier. Do some up front error checking and setting up Schema maps.
        sourceSchema - The schema of the source Tuple
        destSchema - The schema of the destination tuple
        options - options from TupleCopier.Options
        TupleException - with strict on if the fields do not match by name and type
    • Method Detail

      • copyTuple

        public void copyTuple​(Tuple sourceTuple,
                              Tuple destTuple)
                       throws TupleException
        Copy the fields from the sourceTuple to the destTuple. It is assumed that the destination Tuple is either new or has been cleared.
        sourceTuple - the source tuple
        destTuple - the cleared destination tuple
        TupleException - on field copy errors