================================================ Fault-tolerant LiveView Using Apache Kafka ================================================ Overview: This sample demonstrates LiveView recovering from a service interruption (a crash) using the open-source Apache Kafka as the publishing bus. The LiveView Orders table is configured to use persistence and it has a publisher interface with a Kafka subscriber. The LiveView recovery protocol is documented in the LiveView Development Guide After LiveView service interruption and restart, LiveView recovers from disk almost all of the rows that were in the Orders table at the time of the interruption. It is possible that some in-flight rows were not persisted before the service interruption occurred. All messages that were published while the server was unavailable must be recovered as well. The LiveView publisher module in LVPublisher.sbapp under fragments/publish/ references the underlying bus implementation. This implementation uses the StreamBase Kafka adapters, specifically the Producer and Consumer. The implementation does not use the Administrator adapter. Kafka documentation can be found in: http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html Documentation for the StreamBase Kafka adapters can be found at: TIBCO StreamBase Documentation -> Adapters Guide -> StreamBase Embedded Adapters -> Kafka Producer Adapter, Kafka Consumer Adapter or Kafka Admin Adapter You can use an existing Kafka server or, if you need a Kafka implementation, download the Kafka bundle from: http://kafka.apache.org/downloads.html This sample was developed using the Scala 2.12 based version of Kafka, but other versions may work. Follow the instructions to install your server. To run the server, use the following instructions. The files required to run on either Windows or Linux are supplied. The two operating systems require slightly different commands. Start three terminal windows and cd to the directory where you installed Kafka. The installation includes both the Kafka server and a ZooKeeper. The ZooKeeper must be started first: In the first terminal, type: (Linux)$ bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties (Windows)> bin/windows/zookeeper-server-start config/zookeeper.properties Now in the second terminal, start the Kakfa server: (Linux)$ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties (Windows)> bin/windows/kafka-server-start config/server.properties If you have not already done so, in the third terminal create a new topic for this item: (Linux)$ bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic Orders (Windows)> bin/kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic Orders The topic must be created once each time the Kafka server and ZooKeeper are reset, as described below. To confirm the topic is created: (Linux)$ bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 (Windows)> bin/windows/kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 In the sample base directory, build everything and start the LiveView Server: $ mvn install -DskipTests=true $ epadmin install node nodename=A.kafka nodedirectory=/tmp/nodes application=`ls deploy_apps/peer_deploy/target/*.zip` Start the publisher: $ epadmin install node nodename=B.kafka_pub nodedirectory=/tmp/nodes application=`ls deploy_apps/publish_deploy/target/*.zip` Start both services: $ epadmin servicename=kafka start node $ epadmin servicename=kafka_pub start node Note that you need at least 8GB of memory for the log demo and at least 12GB for the log and peer demo. Connect a LiveView Desktop to the LiveView Server running on port 10087 and confirm you data is being published. Shut down the publisher and wait for the Desktop output to stop: $ epadmin servicename=kafka_pub stop node Then shut down the LiveView Server: $ epadmin servicename=kafka_pub stop node To launch the peer recovery sample, first ensure the log sample is running. Then start the peer: $ epadmin install node nodename=C.kafka2 nodedirectory=/tmp/nodes application=`ls deploy_apps/peer_deploy/target/*.zip` $ epadmin servicename=kafka2 start node To restart the broker and ZooKeeper from scratch and delete any saved messages, terminate both servers using the following commands: (Linux)$ bin/kafka-server-stop.sh (Linux) (Linux)$ bin/zookeeper-server-stop.sh (Linux) (Windows)> bin/windows/kafka-server-stop (Windows)> bin/windows/zookeeper-server-stop and delete the configured log directories (/tmp/zookeeper and /tmp/kafka-logs by default). Then restart the servers. The recovery data is stored in /tmp/lvout/data and needs to be removed between runs If you are running on Linux, there is a test bash script provided that can be used to demonstrate LiveView recovery. The script starts the publisher and then crashes the LiveView server (3 times by default). It then compares the data in the LiveView table with the data that was published. Despite having many service interruptions, the data should match exactly. The script performs this comparison. To run this script: ./liveview-bounce.sh There is a corresponding script that crashes the peer setup: ./liveview-bounce-peers.sh Both of them use the /tmp/lvout and /tmp/lvout2 to store compiled SBARs. These folders need to be removed for a fresh start to the scripts. Under Windows, stop the lv-server (not the MesssagePublisher) using your preferred method (Task manager or an epadmin remove with the installpath to simulate a crash) and then restart it as above. Modifying this component for your use: Note that Kafka example does not require any changes to the data that is currently placed on the bus. Also, adding a PublisherID or Publisher serial number to the payload is not required as the sample uses the topic and offset for those purposes. The MessagePublisher is straightforward. The main point to remember is to modify the Broker, partition and topic as appropriate. In the sample, they are set up as parameters. The table publisher must match these values; the KafkaPublisher also has these values as parameters. Note that the interface of record for the your LiveView table resides in Orders.sbint. The named schemas in this interface are imported by the LiveView lvconf files, which in turn are the basis of the generated interfaces in lv-interfaces. Start with Orders.sbint when making table schema changes for your tables.