======================================== StreamBase LiveView Web Sample ======================================== This is a StreamBase Studio project for LiveView whose main focus is to demonstrate the use of the TIBCO LiveView(tm) Web client. This project is similar to the Hello LiveView sample, but modified to produce data more suitable for charting. Familiarity with the Hello LiveView sample project is assumed, and the remainder of this README focuses on the JavaScript portion of this sample. ___________ Usage Note Some ad blocking extensions for some browsers have been found to block the display of the charting elements used in the sample. For best results, disable your browser's ad block extension, or set up an exception for http://localhost before opening this sample in your browser. ____________ Usage Summary - For StreamBase + LiveView releases 10.1.0 and later, this sample is preconfigured to include the LiveView Web WAR file in src/main/liveview/lv-user-webapps. (For instructions on adding the WAR file to a different LiveView project, see Using LiveView Clients in the Introduction to TIBCO LiveView in the LiveView documentation.) - Select this project's name in the Project Explorer view, right-click, and select Run As > LiveView Fragment from the context menu. - Point your web browser to the LiveView Web application landing page (typically http://localhost:10080/lvweb) - Login as admin/admin. __________________ Command Line Usage To run this sample from the command line outside of Studio, you must: - Package this sample's LiveView fragment project into a fragment archive - Create a separate StreamBase Application project, and set the pom.xml for that project to depend on the fragment archive created in the previous step. - Create a separate StreamBase Application archive file. - Install that archive into a StreamBase Runtime node. - Start the node. These steps are described in more detail in the "Deploy with epadmin" page of the Concepts Overview in the StreamBase documentation. _______________ Project Details This LiveView project has various tables (ItemsSales, ItemsInventory, geoMap, regionMap) and feed simulations. Data begins flowing to all tables as soon as the server completes loading the project. _______________ Sample Details This sample delivers pre-configured pages and cards for LiveView Web if you log in as admin/admin. These credentials are configured in the project's HOCON configuration files in src/main/configurations. In addition: - User guest/guest can see the dashboard created by admin, but cannot modify it. - User tester/tester can log in, but finds an empty dashboard on which to create cards and pages. - User lvintern/lvintern is an internal-only user for LDM server and had no LiveView Web login rights. ________________________ Sample Limitations StreamBase 10.1.x and later ships with TIBCO LiveView(tm) Web Standard Edition, which provides the lvweb.war file that implements LiveView Web functionality, plus this sample and the LiveView Web Themes sample. Using Standard Edition, you can use the built-in User Sharing features to grant and update access permissions to cards from one user to another. To grant and update permissions to use pages and dashboards for new and existing users, please obtain a license for TIBCO LiveView(tm) Web Enterprise Edition, which includes a suite of lvweb-* tools and documentation on using them.