======================================== LiveView Services Only Sample ======================================== This is a TIBCO LiveView sample that configures a remote LiveView server instance but does not define any data service layer tables. The configuration file RemoteLiveview.lvconf points to any LiveView server running on localhost on the default LiveView port, 10080. Any tables this remote LiveView server has configured are available to the services-only server. IMPORTANT NOTE: The services-only LiveView server is configured to run on port 10081, while the remote LiveView server is expected on port 10080. An easy way to demonstrate this sample is to run the Hello LiveView sample as described in its README file. To run these samples outside StreamBase Studio, run the Hello LiveView sample as described in its README file. Then start the Services Only sample as follows: - Package this sample's LiveView fragment project into a fragment archive. - Create a separate StreamBase Application project, and set the pom.xml for that project to depend on the fragment archive created in the previous step. - Create a separate StreamBase Application archive file. - Install that archive into a StreamBase Runtime node. - Start the node. These steps are described in more detail in the "Deploy with epadmin" page of the Concepts Overview in the StreamBase documentation. Finally, launch LiveView Desktop, lv-client, or LiveView Web and connect to the services-only server using the URL: lv://localhost:10081. The tables propagated by the remote Hello LiveView server are available in the services-only server. Remote table names can be renamed in various ways. This sample prepends "MyLiveView_" to every remote LiveView table. For example, if the remote LiveView has a table named ItemsSales, this sample shows a table named MyLiveView_ItemsSales. This sample also has a configuration to create two filter tables on MyLiveView_ItemsSales for the toys and books categories. "MyLiveView_ItemsSales_ToySales" contains all transactions where category=="toy". "MyLiveView_ItemsSales_BookSales" contains all transactions where category=="book". This sample includes: engine.conf - a LiveView configuration file to set up JVM arguments for this sample, as well as set the LiveView port to 10081.