A map of semantic interpretation, where the key is the field name, and the value is a list of semantic interpretation for that field. If a field does not have an interpretation, the field will not be in the result.

Namespace: StreamBase.LiveView.API
Assembly: StreamBase.LiveView.API (in StreamBase.LiveView.API.dll) Version: (


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
IDictionary<string, IList<SemanticInterpretation>> SemanticInterpretations { get; }
ReadOnly Property SemanticInterpretations As IDictionary(Of String, IList(Of SemanticInterpretation))
property IDictionary<String^, IList<SemanticInterpretation^>^>^ SemanticInterpretations {
	IDictionary<String^, IList<SemanticInterpretation^>^>^ get ();

See Also