Contains the connection parameters to be passed to an ILiveViewConnection.
Namespace: StreamBase.LiveView.APIAssembly: StreamBase.LiveView.API (in StreamBase.LiveView.API.dll) Version: (
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
public sealed class ConnectionConfig
Public NotInheritable Class ConnectionConfig
public ref class ConnectionConfig sealed
All Members | Constructors | Fields | Properties | Methods | Events |
Public Protected | Instance Static | Declared Inherited | XNA Framework Only .NET Compact Framework Only |
Member | Description | |
ConnectionConfig()()()() |
Creates an instance using the default URI.
| |
ConnectionConfig(EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>)) |
Creates an instance using the default URI.
| |
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI) |
Creates an instance using the supplied URI and no connection event handler.
| |
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>)) | Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the supplied URI, no credentials and the supplied connection event handler.
| |
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, String, String) | Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the specified URI and credentials with no connection event handler.
| |
ConnectionConfig(LiveViewURI, String, String, EventHandler<(Of <<'(ConnectionEventArgs>)>>)) | Obsolete.
Creates an instance using the specified URI, credentials and connection event handler.
| |
Authentication |
The authentication method to use
| |
BackgroundWorker |
This can be used to connect to the LiveView server in the background.
| |
ConnectionEvent |
Fired when interesting events happen on a LiveView connection (such as the connection closing).
| |
The default URI used to connect to the LiveView server.
| |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
FromTcdsAuthUri(LiveViewURI, ILiveViewAuth) |
Creates a connection config from an auth-enabled TCDS URI.
| |
GetHashCode()()()() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType()()()() | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Password | Obsolete.
The password used to authenticate when connecting to the LiveView server.
| |
ReconnectionInterval |
The number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts. This is only
meaningful when asynchronous connection is used.
| |
RequestAggregateMarks |
Whether to recieve aggregation marks if the server supports them.
| |
TimoutSec |
The time to wait before closing a connection without hearing a heartbeat. Default: 15s
| |
ToString()()()() | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
The URI used to connect to the LiveView server. Also sets basic authentication, if no authentication has been set.
If Authentication has been set, setting this doesn't overwrite it.
| |
UseCompression |
Whether to use HTTP compression between the client and server.
| |
UseKerberosTickets | Obsolete.
Whether to use Kerberos authentication (if available)
| |
Username | Obsolete.
The user name used to authenticate when connecting to the LiveView server.
Inheritance Hierarchy