AbstractConnectionEvent |
Root level of client to server connection related events which are dispatched to ConnectionListener s.
AbstractPublisherEvent |
The base type for publisher events dispatched as a result of events published to the server.
AbstractQueryEvent |
The base type for query events dispatched from server queries to QueryListener s.
AbstractQueryListener |
A convenience implementation of QueryListener that can be extended
and the specified methods can be overridden.
AbstractTupleEvent |
Base abstract class for TupleEvents
BeginAggMarkEvent |
The event dispatched after which the aggregate result set may be in flux.
BeginDeleteEvent |
The event dispatched when a query delete begins.
BeginSnapshotEvent |
The event dispatched when a query snapshot begins.
ConnectionClosedEvent |
ConnectionConfig |
Connection configuration used to connect to LiveView server.
ConnectionListener |
A connection listener interface that can be provided to ConnectionConfig to receive
connection related events on.
ConnectionMode |
DataStatus.STATUS |
Enum for possible STATUS for data import process.
DynamicTableState |
DynamicTableState keeps track of table state while dropping or starting table in synchronous mode.
EndAggMarkEvent |
The event dispatched when the aggregate result set sent since the last BeginAggMarkEvent
is consistent and will not change again until the next BeginAggMarkEvent.
EndDeleteEvent |
The event dispatched when a query delete ends.
EndSnapshotEvent |
The event dispatched when a query snapshot ends.
KeyValue |
KeyValue represents a specific value of the primary key, as taken from the Tuple in a specific Table,
including if the Table has a complex key involving multiple fields.
LiveViewAuth |
Auth methods for LiveViewConnections.
LiveViewAuth.AppliableLiveViewAuth |
Private interface.
LiveViewAuth.LiveViewBasicAuth |
Base class for basic authentication.
LiveViewAuth.LiveViewBearerAuth |
Base class for bearer token authentication.
LiveViewClientCapability |
Enumerates certain capabilities that may be supported by a LiveView Client.
LiveViewConnection |
A client connection to a LiveView server.
LiveViewConnectionCanceledException |
Exception throws when the LiveView connection call is cancelled by the client
LiveViewConnectionControl |
When using a LiveViewMultiConnection, this represents one of the connections.
LiveViewConnectionControl.ConnectionState |
The status of this connection
LiveViewException |
An exception thrown by the LiveView Server
LiveViewExceptionType |
Enumeration of possible LiveView exceptions.
LiveViewMultiConnection |
LiveViewPermission |
Class that defines LiveView permissions.
LiveViewPermission.Action |
LiveViewPermission.Type |
LiveViewQueryLanguage |
Enumerates the query languages that are supported by a table
LiveViewQueryType |
The type of queries that can be specified in QueryConfig
LiveViewServerCapability |
An abstract class for objects that represent a capability of a LiveView server.
LiveViewTableCapability |
Enumerates certain capabilities that may be supported by a table.
MultiConnectionConfig |
MultiConnectionListener |
Register your implementation of this interface if you want to be informed of all the events involved in multi-connect
NoSuchCapabilityException |
OrderDefinition |
OrderDefinition is the object used to define the order in which you wish to receive data
OrderDefinition.Direction |
The direction enum defines the legal directions available, and a reverse helper method.
OrderDefinition.OrderDefinitionVisitor |
ProgressMonitor |
PublisherExceptionEvent |
PublisherListener |
PublisherStatus |
PublisherStatusEvent |
The event dispatched when a new publisher status is available.
PubListenerConfig |
Query |
A handle to a registered query.
QueryClosedEvent |
Event dispatched to a listener when a query is closed
QueryConfig |
QueryConfig is the builder object used to configure a query.
QueryExceptionEvent |
The event dispatched when a query exception occurs.
QueryListener |
A query listener interface must be provided when registering a query.
SemanticInterpretation |
SemanticInterpretation.WellKnownSemantics |
SendTupleInfo |
SnapshotResult |
A blocking iterator pattern for retrieving
snapshot only results.
Table |
An instance of a LiveView table.
Table.TableGroup |
ENUM for table groups.
Table.TableStatus |
TableAdminManager |
TableAdminManager is used to start and stop tables and table providers on the server.
TableListListener |
Create an instance of this if you want to be informed of changes to the Table List.
TablePublisher |
An instance of a publisher for publishing tuples into a table.
TupleAddedEvent |
The event dispatched when a new Tuple is added to a query result.
TupleRemovedEvent |
The event dispatched when an existing Tuple is removed.
TupleUpdatedEvent |
The event dispatched when an existing Tuple is updated.