Streaming C++ API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CArgumentOutOfRangeNull value encountered
 CClientSettingsThis class loads all the environment variables used by the C++ client API
 CCompleteDataTypeAn object containing all the information about a data type – the primitive DataType; for DataType::TUPLEs, the Tuple's Schema; and for DataType::LISTs, the List elements' own CompleteDataType
 CDataTypeA type of data in a tuple
 CDequeueResultEncapsulates the data returned from a dequeue() operation
 CInterceptorA callback interface that can be implemented by an object that is associated with a StreamBaseClient and which gets used in the course of dequeuing tuples
 CFieldInformation (name, type, and optionally size) about a field in a Schema
 CFieldValueA value a Field may take on
 CIllegalArgumentExceptionIllegal Argument
 CMalformedURIExceptionAn invalid URI was specified in a StreamBaseURI constructor
 CNonTupleFieldInPathField path name contained an not-leaf segment whose type was not TUPLE
 CNoSuchFieldExceptionNo field found with the given name or index
 CNullValueExceptionNull value encountered
 CSchemaA type of tuple, containing zero or more fields (each encapsulated as a Schema::Field object)
 CStreamBaseAdminClientThe StreamBase Admin Client API
 CStreamBaseBadEntityExceptionSemantically invalid XML (e.g., box doesn't have a type)
 CStreamBaseBadXmlExceptionNon-well-formed XML
 CStreamBaseClientThe StreamBase client API
 CStreamBaseDequeueTimeoutExceptionA dequeued result was not available in the time allowed
 CStreamBaseEntityTypeA type of entity in a StreamBase catalog
 CStreamBaseExceptionThe base class for all StreamBaseExceptions
 CStreamBaseIllegalArgumentExceptionMiscellaneous illegal argument
 CStreamBaseListExceptionAn Exception which contains a list of cause exceptions
 CStreamBaseNetworkExceptionA network (TCP/IP) error was encountered
 CStreamBaseNoSuchEntityExceptionRequested an entity which doesn't exist
 CStreamBaseNotImplementedExceptionA feature is not implemented
 CStreamBaseNotSupportedExceptionA feature is not supported
 CStreamBaseTimeoutExceptionA network timeout error was encountered
 CStreamBaseTypingExceptionTypechecking failed
 CStreamBaseURIA URI for a StreamBase client connection
 CStreamBaseXmlRpcFaultAn XML/RPC error has occurred
 CStreamPropertiesProperties of a single stream
 CTimestampClass for representing moments in time and intervals at millisecond granularity
 CTimestampExceptionAttempted to parse an invalid Timestamp string
 CTupleTuples are value types that can be copied and modified separately thus
 CTupleListTupleLists are value types that can be copied and modified seperately thus
 CTupleStringParseExceptionError parsing a tuple as a delimited string