A LiveView exception caused by an HTTP error.

Namespace: StreamBase.LiveView.API
Assembly: StreamBase.LiveView.API (in StreamBase.LiveView.API.dll) Version: (


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public class LiveViewHttpException : LiveViewException
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class LiveViewHttpException _
	Inherits LiveViewException
public ref class LiveViewHttpException : public LiveViewException


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 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

LiveViewHttpException(LiveViewExceptionCode, HttpStatusCode, String, String)
Create a LiveViewHttpException with the given message.
LiveViewHttpException(LiveViewExceptionCode, HttpStatusCode, String, String, array<Object>[]()[][])
Create a LiveViewException with the given message. Convenience method equivalent to LiveViewHttpException(httpStatus, String.Format(msg, params)).
The LiveViewExceptionCode associated with this exception.
(Inherited from LiveViewException.)
Data (Inherited from Exception.)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Holds the filename of the unmanaged method that originated this exception, or an empty string if the exception didn't originate in unmanaged code.
(Inherited from StreamBaseException.)
Holds the name of the unmanaged method that originated this exception, or an empty string if the exception didn't originate in unmanaged code.
(Inherited from StreamBaseException.)
GetBaseException()()()() (Inherited from Exception.)
GetHashCode()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) (Inherited from Exception.)
GetType()()()() (Inherited from Exception.)
HelpLink (Inherited from Exception.)
HResult (Inherited from Exception.)
The status code returned by the HTTP operation.
The human-readable status description returned by the HTTP operation.
InnerException (Inherited from Exception.)
Holds the line number in the file this unmanaged exception originated, or 0 if the exception didn't originate in unmanaged code.
(Inherited from StreamBaseException.)
Message (Inherited from LiveViewException.)
Source (Inherited from Exception.)
StackTrace (Inherited from Exception.)
TargetSite (Inherited from Exception.)
ToString()()()() (Inherited from Exception.)
Holds the unmanaged side of the call stack that led to this exception.
(Inherited from StreamBaseException.)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also