A callback interface that can be implemented by an object that is associated with a StreamBaseClient and which gets used in the course of dequeuing tuples.

Namespace: StreamBase.SB.Client
Assembly: StreamBase.SB.Client (in StreamBase.SB.Client.dll) Version:


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public interface Interceptor
Public Interface Interceptor
public interface class Interceptor


 All Members  Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

Take a DequeueResult and modify it. Returns the same object if there are no changes. Returns null (or a new empty DequeueResult) if the dequeue results should be suppressed.

May return a different DequeueResult object. Because tuples in a DequeueResult are read-only, if this method wishes to alter them it must create new ones from scratch.

See Also