
LiveView Server — Runs, compiles, and configures the LiveView server and generates interfaces for EventFlow applications.


lv-server run | compile | define-service | install-service [OPTIONS] {liveview-project-directory}

lv-server remove-service {--service-name} {service-name}

lv-server generate {liveview-project-directory} [OPTIONS]

lv-server pre-compile [OPTIONS]

lv-server upgrade [OPTIONS]

lv-server --help

lv-server --version


lv-server runs a LiveView project as an instance of a LiveView server, or compiles the project without running it. You can compile and run a LiveView project on all supported operating systems.

lv-server can be used to prepare a LiveView server for installation as a service using the define-service argument on Linux platforms and install-service on Windows platforms.

lv-server is also used to generate a StreamBase interface file on which an EventFlow application can be based for use with a LiveView data table.



Compiles and runs the specified LiveView project.


Starts the LiveView services layer, but not a data layer.


Runs the LiveView server as a background process. This starts a StreamBase Server process with the background mode switch, -b. See the TIBCO StreamBase Administration Guide's article on Using StreamBase Logging for more information on background mode logging settings.

[--sbconf-file] sbconf-file, -f sbconf-file

Specifies a StreamBase Server configuration file. The default value is sbd.sbconf.

[--environment-copy] true|false, -e true|false

Copies the environment variables from the current environment to the environment of the JVM that runs the LiveView server. The default value is true.

[--streambase-port] port

Specifies the port on which to run StreamBase Server instance associated with this LiveView server; the default value is 10000. You can also specify the port with the Java property liveview.streambase.connection.pool.port.

[--liveview-port] port

Specifies the port on which to run the LiveView server; the default value is 10080. This option overrides port settings in the Java property liveview.port.

[--liveview-ssl-port] port

Specifies the port on which to the LiveView server is to listen for SSL connections. This option overrides port settings in the Java property liveview.ssl.port. The default value is -1, which disables SSL.


This command is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The renamed command is called pre-compile, and its behavior is the same as the old command's.

Using compile now generates a deprecation warning.

Compiles the specified LiveView project without running it.

--java-vm default

Forces the use of the JVM installed as part of the StreamBase installation. The --java-vm default option is only applicable to customized LiveView installations that use a non-default JVM. TIBCO StreamBase Support may ask you to use this option if you have a customized application. The option does not change anything for standard installations.


Generates a StreamBase interface file on which an EventFlow application can be based for use with a specified LiveView data table or set of tables. All interface files are generated into the lv-interfaces folder of the specified project.


Lists all the applications and tables in the specified project and shows example lv-server generate command lines for all LiveView data tables in the project.

--type tableschemas |datasource | preprocessor | publisher | transform customidgeneration

Specifies the type of interface to generate, using one of the exact keywords as shown. The middle four types correspond to the four types of EventFlow applications that can be associated with a LiveView data table, as described on EventFlow Applications for LiveView in the LiveView Developer's Guide. Each generate command generates one StreamBase interface file into the lv-interfaces subfolder per specified data table.


Specify this type to generate named schemas for the incoming and outgoing streams in each specified data table. Run this generate command along with any of the following generate commands. Interface files generated with this tableschemas keyword are included by reference in the interface files generated by the other keywords, and must exist for the other interface files to be valid.


Generates an interface that defines the DataOut output stream for each specified data table.


Generates an interface that defines the DataIn input stream and DataOut output stream and for each specified data table.


Generates an interface file that defines streams and named schemas to form the basis for publishing data into each specified data table.


Generates an interface file that defines the DataIn input stream and DataOut output stream to form the basis for transforming data before loading into each specified data table.


Generates a special preprocessor interface file used in conjunction with the advanced custom ID generation feature. Use this keyword only in conjunction with TIBCO StreamBase Technical Support.

--tables TableName1,TableName2, ...

Specifies one or more LiveView data tables for which to create the specified interface type. To specify more than one table, separate table names with a comma but no space.


Specifies overwriting an existing interface file, if present. By default, interface file names are taken from their parent lvconf files.

--out filename

Specifies the name of the interface file to be generated. Use this option with caution, because interface files generated with various --type options presume default interface names.

define-service (Linux only)

Compiles a LiveView project and generates the start-up files for installation as a Linux init.d style service.

--service-file script-file

Specifies the name of the service startup file to generate.

--service-type init.d

Specifies the generation of an init.d compatible script.

--service-user username

Runs the LiveView server as a specific user.

define-service (Windows only)

Compiles a LiveView server instance for the specified project directory, and installs the server to run as a Windows service on the current Windows machine.

--service-name short,description

Specifies a short name and short description for the Windows service to be installed.

install-service (Windows only)

--service-name short,description


Compiles the specified LiveView project without running it. This command replaces the deprecated compile command.

--java-vm default

Forces the use of the JVM installed as part of the StreamBase installation. The --java-vm default option is only applicable to customized LiveView installations that use a non-default JVM. TIBCO StreamBase Support may ask you to use this option if you have a customized application. The option does not change anything for standard installations.

remove-service (Windows only)

--service-name short,description


One-time use tool to upgrade a project using the deprecated static aggregation to author-time aggregation.


Upgrades and overwrites the existing lvconf files.

--outdir {name}

Writes upgraded files to a different directory.


Displays a syntax reminder message, then exits.


Prints version information and exits.


Example 1. Run lv-server as a background service as user username on a Linux system.

  1. Navigate to the default Studio workspace:

    cd $HOME/streambase-studio-n.m-workspace
  2. Use a command like the following to run LiveView Server if your current directory is $HOME:

    lv-server define-service --service-user username

Example 2. Run the sample_lv-helloliveview project on a Windows system.

  1. Open a StreamBase Command Prompt from the Start(All) ProgramsTIBCOStreamBase n.m menu.

  2. For the Windows username username, launch the LiveView server running the sample_lv-helloliveview project as follows. (This single command is shown on two lines for clarity.)

    lv-server run "C:\Users\username\Documents\
       StreamBase Studio 7.5 Workspace\sample_lv-helloliveview"

    The StreamBase Command Prompt opens by default at the root of %STREAMBASE_HOME%.

