Trigger Details Panel

You can create or modify the details of a trigger in the Trigger Details panel.

Panel Layout

SXTP06N ----------------------- Trigger Details -------------------------------
Command ===>                                        (EMS,PROP)

 Trigger Identifier    => New-Trigger1
 Publish To            => New-Trigger1-subject
 Publish To, Sec       =>
 Reply To              =>
 Error Subject         =>
 Error Threshold       => 0     (0 - 99999) Error Percent => 0 (0 - 99)
 Publish To Len (Dyn)  => 0     Start => 0
 Output Conversion(?)  => New_Rule1
 ESB Endpoint (?)      => New-ESB1
 Trace Level           => 0  0-5
 Output Method         => 2  1 Status  2 Message
                             3 Both Status and Message

 Compare Text Contain in Buffer
  Start => 0
  Length => 5
  Value => MATCH
 Undelivered Requeue   => Y   (Y Requeue, N Discard - Reliable Only)

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Trigger Details panel:
Field Description
Command You can enter EMS to access the panel described in EMS Trigger Details Extension Panel, and enter PROP to access the panel described in EMS Properties (Trigger) Panel.

Valid commands: EMS and PROP.

Trigger Identifier The name of the trigger.
Publish To Required. The outbound subject that a message is published on for a given trigger transaction. The field is required when using the trigger MOI.
Publish To, Sec Optional. The optional second outbound subject that a message is published on for a given trigger transaction.
Reply To Optional. The reply subject that an external messaging application returns a response to Substation ES (for a CICS-initiated request reply process).
Error Subject The subject that an error message is published on if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors.
Error Threshold The number of errors allowed before the trigger is disabled.
Error Percent The percentage of errors allowed before the trigger is disabled.
Publish To Len (Dyn) Optional. The outbound subject name can be specified dynamically within the buffer. You can the number of bytes to be used for the dynamic Publish To subject name.

Default value: 0.

Start The starting offset in the buffer to be used for the dynamic Publish To subject name.

The area defined by dynamic Publish To Len (Dyn) and Start is concatenated to form the Publish To subject. This is the name that the message is published to. If this dynamic Publish To subject name matches the name of the message or the error subject, then only one message is written to the subject. The dynamic message must adhere to EMS or RV subject structure, whichever messaging service is used, or an error is issued by EMS or RV when the message is published.

Output Conversion (?) Required. The name of the conversion rule used for output conversion. If you specify ? in this field, a list of all conversion rules id displayed where you can select a conversion rule.
ESB Endpoint (?) Required. The name of an ESB endpoint. If you specify ? in this field, a list of all ESB endpoints is displayed where you can select an ESB endpoint.
Trace Level The user trace debug level for an individual trigger process. Must always be 0 or 1, unless TIBCO Support require the output. A certain amount of overhead and many lines of output are produced when this value is greater than 2.
Valid values: 0 - 5. Default value: 0.
  • 0 - 1: nothing.
  • 2 - 5: shows message exit from Substation ES.
    SXT5472I U-Trace(T) UoW:1178777278 Trigger:TRIGGER-SAAS-BYTES
    SXT5303I U-Trace(T) UoW:1178777278 Rcp/Trig:TRIGGER-SAAS-BYTES,
Output Method You can specify whether data is expected to be output from the transaction processing application:
  • If you are configuring Substation ES to subscribe to data generated by a TIBCO messaging application with the DPL MOI, you can specify whether return data and a status is expected back.
  • If you are configuring Substation ES to publish data for a transaction processing application, you can use this option to indicate whether some type of data or a status is being generated.
The following are valid selections:
  • 1 Status: a status message is sent to the awaiting TIBCO messaging application by way of the value specified in the Reply To field.
  • 2 Message: outbound data is to be transformed and published as a message to the TIBCO messaging application.
  • 3 Both Status and Message: for this process return code, reason code, and outbound data set are to be transformed and published as a message to the TIBCO messaging application.
Compare Text Contain in Buffer You can compare texts contained in a buffer.
Start The starting offset in the buffer that contains the text to be used for the search criteria in a trigger process (valid numbers 0-size of buffer). Remember that the first character in the buffer is offset 0 (not 1).
Length The size of the search text in the buffer of a TDQ record. If you specify 0 , there is no matching on buffer content and the only way to select this trigger is through the Service Name parameter on a programs call to SXCQWRIT. For details on implementing HVT and SXCQWRIT, see TIBCO Substation ES Operations and Administration.
Value The text value that is associated with the transformation. This text tells the Transformer what transformation to perform on the data that is deposited in the TDQ by a transaction processing application.
Undelivered Requeue This option indicates whether the reliable trigger processes will requeue a message if delivery fails.
Note: RED Interface is not support this function.