Enabling App Metrics

Set the FLOGO_HTTP_SERVICE_PORT environment variable to point to the port number of the HTTP service that provides APIs for collecting app metrics. This enables the runtime HTTP service.


  1. Run the following:
    FLOGO_HTTP_SERVICE_PORT=<port>  ./<app-binary>
  2. Run the curl command for the appropriate REST method. Refer to App Statistics for details on each method. Some examples are:
    curl  -X POST http://localhost:7777/app/metrics
    curl  -X GET http://localhost:7777/app/metrics/flows
    curl  -X DELETE http://localhost:7777/app/metrics

Enabling statistics collection using environment variables

To enable metrics collection through environment variable, do the following:


  1. Run the following:
  2. Run the curl command for the appropriate REST method. Refer to App Statistics for details on each method. Some examples are:
    curl  -X GET http://localhost:7777/app/metrics/flows
    curl  -X DELETE http://localhost:7777/app/metrics/flows

Example: retrieve specific metrics for an app

The following is an example of how you would run the above steps for a fictitious app named REST_Echo.
curl  -X GET http://localhost:7777/app/metrics/flows
curl  -X GET http://localhost:7777/app/metrics/flow/PostBooks/activities