Administration Guide > TDV Command-Line Utilities > The TDV Server Utility Program > Examples Examples
The -profile subcommand lists the server profile for a default installation:
server_util -server host_name -user admin -password admin -profile
The -clearProfile subcommand clears the server profile information. Aggregate and average statistics data start again from zero.
server_util -server localhost -user admin -password admin -clearProfile
The -resetNamespace subcommand resets the system namespace.
server_util -server localhost -user admin -password admin -resetNamespace
The -deploy subcommand deploys a package, adding it to the Studio resource tree.
server_util -server localhost -user admin -password admin -deploy myadapter.jar -verbose
The -undeploy subcommand removes a package from the Studio resource tree.
server_util -server localhost -user admin -password admin -undeploy myadapter -verbose