Application Programming Interface Guide > Introduction > Groups of Procedures > Utility Procedures
Utility Procedures
The utility procedures are found in the resource tree under /lib/util. They are:
ClearAllDataSourceCredentials, which clears all credential data previously stored using the setDataSourceCredentials JDBC method or the SetDataSourceCredentials procedure.
ClearMessageProperties, which clears all JMS headers and properties that were set using SetMessageProperties.
GenerateEvent, which generates a custom event with the specified name and value.
GetEnvironment, which retrieves values from the environment.
GetProperty, which gets the values of system properties.
Pause, which causes the current thread of control.
SendEMail, which sends an email message with the specified headers and content.
SendMapMessage, which sends a JMS map message based on a ROW type variable.
SendTextMessage, which sends a JMS text message.
SetDataSourceCredentials, which sets a username and password for pass-through authentication with a specific data source.
SetEnvironment, which sets an environment variable to a value.
SetMessageProperties, which sets JMS headers or properties for the subsequent JMS messages to be sent using SendTextMessage.
SetMessageProperty, which sets a JMS header or property for the subsequent JMS messages to be sent using SendTextMessage.