Administration Guide > Basic TDV Administration Tasks > Working with the Repository Utility
Working with the Repository Utility
Use repo_util to change the repository database. The repo_util scripts (repo_util.bat and are available in the <TDV_install_dir>/bin directory.
You can use this program to perform the following tasks:
Test the connection to the repository database
List the current repository configuration information
Export the repository configuration
Update the repository configuration
Create or drop the repository schema
Print diagnostic information about the TDV metadata repository
< ‑createSchema | ‑dropSchema | ‑dumpDiagnosticInfo | ‑exportConfig | ‑help | ‑listConfig | ‑testConn | ‑updateConfig >

[ ‑debug | ‑force ]

[ ‑configFile | ‑connectionUrl | ‑databaseCatalog | ‑databaseSchema | ‑databasePassword | ‑databaseUser | ‑driverClass | ‑driverClassPath | ‑driverName | ‑driverType | ‑repositoryClass | ‑schemaCreateScript | ‑schemaDropScript | ‑schemaInitializeScript ]
Read database configuration options from this Java property file. The property names in the file must match the database option names defined in this section.
Run the repository utility with the ‑exportConfig option for an example of this file’s contents.
The JDBC URL that is used to connect to the external database. For example:
Create the repository schema.
Catalog that contains the TDV schema; blank if catalogs not supported.
Database password.
Database schema that contains the TDV schema; blank if schemas not supported.
Database user name.
Print debug messages.
Fully-qualified class name of a JDBC-compliant driver. For example: com.PostgreSQL.jdbc.Driver.
A semicolon- or colon-separated list of JAR files and directories. For example: /tmp/oracle40.jar:/tmp.
Name of the TDV datasource driver name. Required for operation of the system tables.
Name of the TDV data source driver type. Required for operation of the system tables.
Drops the repository schema and all data contained within it. Permanently deletes all of the server’s data. (Use with caution.)
Print diagnostic information about the repository database.
Export the repository database configuration in Java property file format. The output is suitable for use as a repository configuration file. See ‑configFile for details.
Do not prompt for confirmation. (Use with caution.)
Print this help information.
List the repository database configuration in a human readable format.
Repository class name.
Script containing the SQL commands to create the TDV schema.
Script containing the SQL commands to drop the TDV schema.
Script containing the SQL commands to initialize the TDV tables.
Test the connection to the repository database.
Change options in the repository database configuration. Specify new configuration options individually using command-line arguments, or collectively using the ‑configFile option. Unspecified options are left unchanged.
Sample Uses of the Repository Utility
Here are some uses of the repo_util program.
To list the server configuration information:
repo_util.bat -listConfig
To export a repository configuration file:
repo_util.bat -exportConfig >
To update the repository database user name and password:
repo_util.bat -updateConfig -databaseUser <user>
-databasePassword <password>
To update the repository configuration using a repository configuration file, overriding the database password:
repo_util.bat -updateConfig -configFile
-databasePassword <password>