Client Interfaces Guide > Connecting to TDV Server through ODBC > Connecting MicroStrategy to TDV Using ODBC
Connecting MicroStrategy to TDV Using ODBC
Connecting to TDV Server through MicroStrategy varies depending on the development tool used to develop your client application. Typically, all you need to do is install and use ODBC to establish the connection.
These instructions are included as a guideline; your system and the necessary steps might vary. Refer to your development tool documentation and perform thorough testing of your system after establishing the connection between TDV Server and MicroStrategy.
MicroStrategy issues DDL statements and connects to TDV through the TDV ODBC driver. TDV creates temp tables using DDL statements in the container path that was specified.
TDV frequently adds new data sources. For updates to the supported list of data sources, see the TDV Installation and Upgrade Guide.
For more information for how to configure the TDV DDL feature for MicroStrategy, see “Preparing a Data Source for DDL CREATE/DROP through TDV” in the TDV User Guide.
You can also use ADO.Net and JDBC to connect TDV to MicroStrategy.
To connect TDV to MicroStrategy using an ODBC driver
1. Configure and publish TDV resources to the TDV DDL feature. Temporary tables are manipulated in the container path specified on the TDV DDL tab when publishing resources in TDV. For more information, see the “Publishing Resources” section of the TDV User Guide.
2. Install the ODBC driver on the client machines that have MicroStrategy and want to connect to the TDV Server. For example, install the ODBC driver using the <TDV_version>_odbc_<platform>.tar file. Or, contact MicroStrategy Technical Support to obtain the Composite<version>.PDS file.
3. Stop the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, including all nodes of MicroStrategy Intelligence Server cluster, and disconnect all connections to the metadata from other MicroStrategy sources (such as MicroStrategy Desktop and MicroStrategy Object Manager).
4. Launch the MicroStrategy Desktop and login. Go to Database Instance Manager and edit the warehouse database instance or create a new warehouse database instance.
5. Click Upgrade.
6. Specify the driver file in the DB types script file field.
7. Click Load.
8. Move the TDV Server <version> object from the list of available databases to the list of existing databases.
9. Click OK.
10. Select the TDV Server <version> from the list of existing databases.
11. Navigate to Configuration Managers > Database Instance Manager > Database Instance > Database Connection > Advanced.
12. (Optionally) Set the Character set encoding for UNIX drivers to Non UTF-8 to fetch characters correctly for UTF-16 drivers.
13. Click OK and save the Database Connection.
14. Click OK and save the Database Instance.
15. Set up the ODBC drivers and define the necessary environment variables. For more information, see the TDV Administration Guide information about using ODBC drivers with UNIX. For example, the following environment variables might need to be defined:
16. Other possible steps might include:
Make a backup copy of existing odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files.
Run the TDV driverConfig utility to generate the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini files.
Change the MicroStrategy environment to include the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini files.
Add the path to the TDV ODBC driver for the following environment variable depending on your system type:
System Type
Environment Variable
17. (Optionally) For each MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, update the MicroStrategy DTMAPPING.PDS file with the following:
database name
MSI type
18. (Optionally) Update the file.
19. Define ODBC connections using DSN or URL methods between TDV and MicroStrategy.
20. Reload the project so that the new settings take effect. You might need to:
Restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server if using 3-tier or 4-tier modes.
Disconnect and re-connect the project source if using 2-tier mode.