Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > cancelServerTask
Cancel a running server task.
Server tasks are long-running processes maintained by TDV. They are associated with the TDV session that created the task. If the TDV session ends, the task ends.
Operations that create server tasks return a taskId. This taskId can be used to later query task results or cancel the task. Such operations generally have the Task suffix in their name.
Normally, users can only cancel server tasks within the same TDV session used to create the task. Users with the MODIFY_ALL_STATUS right can cancel tasks regardless of which session owns the task.
Request Elements
taskId: The server task ID.
Response Elements
IllegalArgument: If the taskId is malformed.
NotFound: If there currently exists no task with the given taskId.
Security: If the current TDV session is different from the one originally used to create the task and the user does not have the MODIFY_ALL_STATUS right.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.