Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > getDataSourceReintrospectResult
Deprecated as of API version 6.0. Instead use introspectResourcesResult.
Checks for completion of a non-blocking reintrospect that was started with reintrospectDataSource. Returns no report if the reintrospect is not yet complete.
The reintrospect ID is only valid during a single transaction, so this operation can only be used within an explicit transaction that also contains reintrospectDataSource. If this operation returns a SUCCESS or FAIL status, the reintrospectId is invalidated.
Request Elements
reintrospectId: The reintrospect ID provided by the reintrospectDataSource.
isBlocking: If TRUE, this operation does not return until reintrospect has completed. If FALSE, this operation returns immediately, regardless of completion.
Response Elements
SUCCESS or FAIL (as appropriate) if the reintrospect completed during or prior to this call.
INCOMPLETE if the reintrospect is still in progress and isBlocking is FALSE.
CANCELED if the reintrospect was canceled by a separate call during this operation.
reintrospectReport (optional): If the status is SUCCESS or FAIL, this report lists messages (changeEntry elements) describing either errors or the changes that occurred during reintrospect. Otherwise, this element does not exist. See Messages Element.
IllegalArgument: If the isBlocking element is not a valid boolean.
NotFound: If the reinstrospectId does not exist.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.