Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > getResourcePrivileges
Get the privilege information for any number of resources.
The returned privileges per user or group are the privileges specifically given to that user or group. In each privilegeEntry, the combinedPrivs element contains the effective privileges for that user or group based on their membership in all other groups. In each privilegeEntry, the inheritedPrivs element only contains the privileges that were inherited due to group membership. Logically OR’ing the privs and inheritedPrivs is the same as the combinedPrivs.
A user with GRANT privilege or with READ_ALL_RESOURCES right receives all privilege information for all users for a that resource. Other users receive only their own privilege information.
Request Elements
entries: List of path-type pairs to get privilege information for.
filter (optional): A filter string. The only legal values in this release are an empty string and ALL_EXPLICIT.
includeColumnPrivileges (optional)
Response Elements
privilegeEntries: List with the privilege information for each of the requested resources.
privilegeEntry (optional): Path-type pairs and list for one or more privileges.
combinedPrivs (optional)
inheritedPrivs (optional)
IllegalArgument: If any path is malformed or type is illegal.
NotFound: If any one of the provided resources does not exist.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in each path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.