Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > getResourceUpdates
Determine all of the updates occurred for a given set of resources. Updates include the addition of new sibling resources, changes to resources, movement of resources, and deletion.
By default, the given list of resources is compared with the most recent versions of themselves. If the changeId element is set, the resources are compared with the given changeId instead. If the provided changeId is older than the current version of a given resource, no changes are reported for that resource.
You can specify one or neither of the changeId or version elements. You cannot specify both.
If an id element for a nonexistent resource or one that is not accessible is provided, that ID appears in the deleted list.
Request Elements
detail: The level of detailin the added, changed, and moved lists. Valid values are NONE, SIMPLE, and FULL.
discoverChildren: TRUE if all descendents of given resources should be returned. FALSE if you only want the given resources to be checked. With FALSE, new sibling resources are discovered, but not descendents.
includeLockState: TRUE if changes to lock state should be considered as a resource update.
changeId (optional): If set, only resources with a change ID greater than the given change ID are returned.
version (optional; not supported): The element is not currently supported.
resourcesToUpdate: List of resources to check for updates.
entry: An entry for a resource to check.
path: The path of the resource.
type: The type of the resource specified by the given path. Valid values are CONTAINER, DATA_SOURCE, DEFINITION_SET, LINK, PROCEDURE, TABLE.
id (optional): The ID of the resource. This is required to help track resource moves. Otherwise moved resources appears as deleted and added.
changeId (optional): The Change ID of the resource. This is required to identify precise changes to a resource.
hasChildren (optional): If TRUE, the client believes this resource has children. This is used to help detect deletion of all child resources.
isExpanded (optional): Whether or not children of this resource are already known by the client. For use by client tree views. If TRUE, the immediate children of an expanded container are discovered regardless of the discoverChildren setting.
lastClientRefresh (optional): The last time this resource was refreshed by the client. Time is relative to the server. May be used an alternative to using Change ID to detect changes. This is not as precise as using Change ID.
lockCreateTime (optional): The known time a lock was created for this resource. Time is relative to the server. If includeLockState is TRUE, this value is used to help detect multiple lock state changes where the current state is similar to but not exactly the same as the previously known state in the client.
Response Elements
resourceUpdates (optional):
addedResources (optional): List of resources that were created as siblings of the provided resources.
changedResources (optional): List of resources that have been changed.
movedResources (optional): List of resources that have been changed including their path.
deletedResources (optional): List of resource IDs of the resources that have been deleted.
IllegalArgument: If any of the detail, discoverChildren, includeLockState, changeId, version, or resources elements are malformed.
NotAllowed: If both the changeId and version elements are set.
NotSupported: If the version element is set. This is reserved for future use.