Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > performArchiveImport
Start importing an archive.
This operation can only be used with an import archive. It can be used anytime after createImportArchive is called, as long as it is within the same transaction and the archive has not been closed.
If an import status is CANCELED or FAIL, the import is in an inconsistent state, and so the bounding transaction should be rolled back before performing other operations.
An import fails only if the caller does not have permission to import most data. The only exceptions to this are the import options marked OWNER ONLY. Attempts to set owner-only options on resources that the caller does not own nor has admin privileges for generate a warning message in the report.
Request Elements
archiveId: The ID of the archive.
isBlocking: If TRUE, this call does not return until the import has completed. If FALSE, this call returns immediately.
Response Elements
CANCELED if the archive was canceled during this call.
SUCCESS if the import has completed.
INCOMPLETE if the import is still in progress.
archiveReport (optional): One or more entry elements describing messages generated during this call, if any. If no messages exist, this element is unset. See Messages Element.
IllegalArgument: If the isBlocking element is malformed.
IllegalState: If this operation is called using an export archive ID.
NotFound: If archive for the archive ID does not exist.