Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > performServerAction
Perform a server action.
Use getServerActions to get a complete list of available actions and their attribute definitions. These are also listed in Server Actions Reference.
Request Elements
actionName: The name of the action to invoke.
attributes: List of attributes to apply to the action. See Attributes Element.
Response Elements
status: If SUCCESS, the action succeeded; otherwise FAIL.
messages: List of entry elements describing messages regarding the action. Messages might be returned regardless of success or failure, depending on the action that was invoked. See Messages Element.
IllegalArgument: If any of the attributes are malformed.
IllegalArgument: If an unsupported attribute is provided.
NotAllowed: If a required attribute is missing.
NotFound: If no action for actionName exists.
Security: If caller does not have ACCESS_TOOLS right.
Security: If caller does not have any other rights as required by the specific action.