Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > updateDataSource
Update the definition of a data source resource.
Request Elements
path: A fully qualified path to the resource.
detail: The level of detail about the resources to include in the response. Valid values are NONE, SIMPLE, and FULL.
annotation (optional): A description of the resource. If not provided, the annotation is left unaltered.
attributes (optional): List of data source type specific attributes. The specific list of supported attributes vary by data source type. (See getDataSourceAttributeDefs.) Sets the specified attributes but does not alter the value of unspecified attributes. See Attributes Element.
Response Elements
resources: List of updated resources. See Resources Element.
IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed, the detail is illegal, or any of the attribute values provided do not match their definitions.
NotAllowed: If an attempt is made to update a custom Java procedure or custom data source with an insufficient license.
NotFound: If the data source or any portion of path do not exist.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in path.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.