Reference Guide > TDV SQL Keywords and Syntax > UPDATE
You can update a physical table view based on a single physical table. See INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE on Views for rules on updating views.
UPDATE <table>
SET <column> = <expression [, <column> = <expression>]*
[WHERE <criteria>]
If a non-nullable column is set to NULL, the data source layer throws a runtime exception.
If the column is set to an invalid value, the data source layer throws an runtime exception.
The WHERE clause can have a subquery.
All database objects referenced in the subquery must be from the same data source as the target of the UPDATE.
IN subqueries can be scalar or not.
Depending on the relational operator, quantified subqueries may need to be scalar.
If the subquery references incorrect rows, unexpected target rows might be affected.
The SET clause can have a subquery.
All database objects referenced in the subquery must be from the same data source as the target of the UPDATE.
Subqueries of SET clauses must be scalar (that is, return one value as one row).
Example (Using UPDATE with SET)
ProductName = 'Apple';
Example (Using UPDATE with SET and WHERE)
ProductName = 'Lexington Z24'
ProductID = 5;
Example (Using UPDATE with SET and a Subquery)
  UPDATE /shared/examples/ds_orders2/products
    ProductName = 'abc'
    ProductID IN
    (SELECT ProductID FROM     /shared/examples/ds_orders2/orderdetails);