Application Programming Interface Guide > Built-in Procedures > Procedures Reference > SetEnvironmentFromNodeValue
Evaluate an XPath expression against the envelope, and store the result in the specified environment variable. The result of the XPath expression is interpreted as a single string.
The namespacePrefixes and namespaceURIs are used to resolve prefixes to namespaces in the XPath expression. Each item in namespacePrefixes must have a corresponding item in namespaceURIs. The empty string specifies the default namespace.
envelope: A SOAP envelope, which may include a WS Security header.
xpath: An XPath expression of the value.
namespacePrefixes: An array of namespace prefixes used in the XPath expression. May be NULL.
namespaceURIs: An array of namespace URIs used in the XPath expression. May be NULL.
variableName: The name of an environment variable. Variable names are not case- sensitive. For example, both sample and SAMPLE are the same variable.
envelope: The SOAP envelope. Some elements may have been decrypted.
IllegalArgumentException: If any of the arguments are invalid.