Application Programming Interface Guide > Built-in Procedures > Procedures Reference > SetNodeValueFromEnvironment
Set an element or attribute value from an environment variable.
The XPath expression is used to select a node from the envelope. The node value is then set to the value of the specified environment variable. The namespacePrefixes and namespaceURIs are used to resolve prefixes to namespaces in the XPath expression.
Each item in namespacePrefixes must have a corresponding item in namespaceURIs. The empty string is used to specify the default namespace.
envelope: A SOAP envelope, which may include a WS Security header.
xpath: An XPath expression that evaluates to an element.
namespacePrefixes: An array of namespace prefixes used in the XPath expression. May be NULL.
namespaceURIs: An array of namespace URIs used in the XPath expression. May be NULL.
variableName: The name of an environment variable. Variable names are not case-sensitive. For example, both sample and SAMPLE are the same variable.
attributeName: If NULL, the element value is set. If not NULL, the element attribute value is set.
envelope: The SOAP envelope. Some elements may have been decrypted.
IllegalArgumentException: If any of the arguments are invalid.