Reference Guide > TDV Support for SQL Functions > TDV-Supported JSON Functions > JSON_PATH
The JSONPATH function provides XPath-like syntax for JSON structures. It provides a way to extract parts of a given document.
JSONPATH (json_object, search_query [, arguments] )
The search returns a JSON array as a string, or FALSE if the search fails.
The search query starts with a dollar sign to represent the root object.
PROCEDURE JSONPathFunctionExample(OUT resultJson VARCHAR)
DECLARE sourceJson VARCHAR(4096);
DECLARE jsonPathExpression VARCHAR(4096);
-- Create a JSON value to use in the JSONPATH function.
SET sourceJson = '{"LookupProductResponse":{"LookupProductResult":{"row":[{"ProductName":"Maxtific 40GB ATA133 7200","ProductID":"1","ProductDescription":"Maxtific Storage 40 GB"}]}}}';
-- Create a JSONPATH expression to evaluate.
SET jsonPathExpression = '$.LookupProductResponse.LookupProductResult.row[0].ProductName';
-- Evaluate the XPATH expression against the source XML value.
SET resultJson = JSONPATH (sourceJson, jsonPathExpression);
The result is Maxtific 40GB ATA133 7200.