Discovery Guide > Working with Models in Discovery > Working with the Model Resources Tab
Working with the Model Resources Tab
The Resources tab displays all resources that are currently included in the model including data sources, catalogs, schemas, tables, and views. The Resources tab lists the resources in tabular format and lets you:
View the path for each resource.
Discover how the resource was included—by explicitly being added or because of its relationship with an explicitly added resource.
Locate a resource by column sorting.
To work with the model Resources tab
1. Open a model.
2. Select the Resources tab at the bottom of the window.
Discovery displays the Resources table.
The columns in the Resources table provide this information.
Name of the resource.
Path to the resource.
resource type: DATA_SOURCE, CATALOG, SCHEMA, Table, or View.
One of the following:
EXPLICIT—You explicitly selected the resource in the Add/Remove Resources dialog, or dragged the resource into the model.
IMPLICIT—You selected a parent or dragged a parent of the resource into the model. For example, if you add an entire data source to a model, all of its resources (tables, etc.) are implicitly added and are listed as IMPLICIT in this column.
RELATED—The resource is included because it is related to an EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT resource.
DEPENDENT—Indicates a view resource that is dependent on a related resource.