Reference Guide > TDV SQL Script > SQL Script Statement Reference > OPEN
The OPEN statement is used in SQL Script to open a cursor. Two types of OPEN statements are available, one to open a static cursor and another to open a variable cursor. The OPEN statement for a variable cursor can specify whether it is for a query expression or a value expression. See Value Expressions.
Syntax (Open Static Cursor)
OPEN <cursor>
Syntax (Open Variable Cursor)
OPEN <cursorVariableName> FOR <queryExpression>
A cursor variable can be opened and initialized using a dynamic SQL statement as follows:
OPEN <cursorVariableName> FOR <valueExpression>
OPEN is similar to preparing a statement for execution.
Run-time errors, such as insufficient privileges, are not caught until a statement is executed.
The syntax for the open static cursor statement works on both static and variable cursors, although you get an error if you open an uninitialized cursor variable.
It is illegal to open a cursor that is already open.
Standard parser and resolver errors can result from the SELECT statement in the FOR clause. The following table describes the errors that can occur when executing an OPEN statement.
Error Message
Cannot open a PIPE
An attempt is made to open a PIPE variable.
Uninitiallized cursor
A cursor variable is used and is not initialized at the time it is opened.
Cursor already open
OPEN was invoked when the cursor was already open.