Administration Guide > Composite Domain Administration > Group Management > Removing Groups
Removing Groups
Administrators with the Modify All Users and the Access Tools rights can remove groups from the composite domain. Removing a group deletes any associated rights and privileges from group members.
TDV users who were members of a deleted group might still have the rights and privileges that were associated with that group. If this is the case, the rights and privileges are present because of membership in other groups or the rights and privileges were explicitly assigned directly to the user.
Note: Deletion of a composite domain group does not remove its member users from the TDV.
Removing a group from the composite domain
1. In Manager, choose SECURITY > Group Management.
2. Select one or more groups using the check box.
3. Click Remove Group(s) to delete the group.
4. Accept the confirmation prompt and the group is deleted.
Removing LDAP groups does nothing to LDAP configurations and definitions, but it does remove LDAP users and any group associated rights and privileges from the TDV system.
Removing an externally defined LDAP group
1. In Manager, choose SECURITY > Domain Management.
2. Select the LDAP domain using the radio button
3. Click Edit External Groups.