Administration Guide > System Management with Manager > Using Manager > Launching Manager
Launching Manager
Manager enables users with appropriate TDV rights to view, monitor, and update selected TDV summary views and status. Additionally, authorized users can perform some server management tasks, establish and maintain active clustering, and manage domains, groups, and users and their associated TDV rights, and others. The Access Tools right is the minimum right required to view Manager.
To launch Manager
1. Launch Manager from Studio:
Administration > Launch Manager (Web)
Or direct a Web browser to the Manager using one of these URLs:
http://localhost:9400/manager   (when TDV is locally installed)
2. If you are using Internet Explorer 8, turn Compatibility View mode on.
Manager launches and displays a login dialog.
3. Login with a user name and password with administrative rights.
After login, the MANAGER HOME page is displayed.