Application Programming Interface Guide > DSL API > Data Sources > DSL Syntax
DSL Syntax
Following is the syntax for Create, Update Delete of a datasource. A data source could be created using a database adapter and full introspection of the datasource is performed. The datasource could be altered to specify connection properties, authentication properties and annotation later on.
(RELOCATE AS /path/name)? //only for alter
BASED ON ADAPTER 'Oracle 11g (Thin Driver)| File-Delimited' //adapter name, maybe relational, file-delimited, excel
(SET NATIVE PROPERTIES {json_object})?
(HOST '')? //only for relational
(PORT 1521)? //only for relational
(DATABASE_NAME 'ordersDatabase')? //only for relational
(SELECT_MODE 'Direct')? //for microsoft sql server datasource url
(LOCAL_ROOT_PATH 'localPath' | URL 'url')? //for file-delimited and MS Excel (non ODBC)
(FILE_FILTERS '*.xls,*.xlsx')? //for file-delimited(default = *.csv,*.txt) and excel (default = *.xls,*.xlsx)
(DSN 'excelodbc')? //for MS Excel (ODBC))?
-- relational
(IN [BASIC | KERBEROS] MODE)? //for relational default = BASIC
(DOMAIN 'domainName')? //for file-delimited
(LOGIN 'username')? //for relational and file-delimited
(PASSWORD 'password')?
(PASS_THROUGH_LOGIN [TRUE|FALSE])? //for relational basic mode of authentication
(TICKET_CACHE 'ticketCache' | NULL)? //for relational kerberos mode of authentication
(USE_PASS_THROUGH_CERTIFICATE_FOR_ENCRYPTION [TRUE|FALSE])? )? //for relational kerberos mode of authentication default = false
(CHARACTER_SET 'iso-8859-1')? //for file-delimited and excel, defaults based on adapter for allowable values : Refer Section 1, 2, 3
(DELIMITER ',')? //for file-delimited default = ','allowable values : Refer Section 1, 2
(TEXT_QUALIFIER '"')? //for file-delimited default = '"' allowable values : Refer Section 1, 2
(STARTING_ROW 1)? //for file-delimited default = 1
(HAS_HEADER_ROW [TRUE|FALSE])? //for file-delimited(default = FALSE) and excel(default = TRUE)
(IGNORE_TRAILING_DELIMITER)? //for file-delimited default = TRUE
(DATA_RANGE ‘A1’)? //for MS Excel (non-ODBC) default = A1
(BLANK_COLUMN_TYPE ‘Varchar')? //for excel default = Varchar, allowable values: Varchar, Double, Boolean, Datetime
(FIRST_ROW_CATEGORY [TRUE | FALSE])? //for excel default = true
(IGNORE_INVALID_DATA_FETCH [TRUE | FALSE])? //for excel default = true
(DATA_WYSIWYG [TRUE|FALSE])? //for excel default=true
(BLANK_AS_NULL [TRUE|FALSE])? //for excel default = true)?
(SET ANNOTATION 'this is a datasource created using DSL api' | NULL)?