Configuring SQL Server in the TDV Server to use Windows Authentication
The TDV installation provides a startup script for Windows that you can customize for your own purposes.
To maintain customizations made to this script across hotfix or patch updates, you must activate an environment variable.
The following solution works for the credentials of the user that runs the TDV Server service being used to access the data source. If you require access for another account, use of the JTDS driver is required.
To configure the TDV Server for Windows Authentication
1. Stop the TDV Server.
2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to <TDV_install_dir>\conf.
3. Configure your Microsoft data source using the JDBC driver sqljdbc4.jar.
(not JTDS)
4. Make sure that sqljdbc_auth.dll is in a location on the PATH of the CIS host. For example, in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 and <CIS>\apps\common\lib\win64
5. On the Advanced tab of the data source in Studio, edit the JDBC connection string information. You may need to exclude the port number.
For example: jdbc:sqlserver://<HOST>;IntegratedSecurity=true;DatabaseName=<DATABASE NAME>
<HOST> should match the value you used for the hostname\instance name on the Advanced tab for the data source. For example, the generated JDBC string was:
If you are connecting to a host running a single SQL Server instance with the default port of 1433, the JDBC string would be:
jdbc:sqlserver://<HOST>:<PORT>;IntegratedSecurity=true;DatabaseName=<DATABASE NAME>
If connecting to a SQL Server instance which is not running the default port, ensure the correct JDBC string is being generated. To do this, the user name and password fields are left blank.
Change the TDV Server service so that it runs as the logged on user, and not the Local System user. The correct credentials are then picked up to access the SQL Server instance.
To ensure that the user name is being entered correctly when providing the credentials for the TDV Server service, use the domain\username.
Troubleshooting the use of Windows Authentication
• Connection Refused from Studio.
Symptom: PostgreSQL errors in the Monitor log.
Due to startup problems when setting the TDV Service to use the Service Account while the Repository Service used the local account. Edit the service restarts until you get the order right.
• TDV Adds the 1433 Port Number into the Connection String
Hard-code the entire connection string in the SQL Server data source Advanced tab.