Administration Guide > Pluggable Authentication Modules > What Happens at Deployment and Run Time > Ordering Module Execution Sequence
Ordering Module Execution Sequence
From the Login Modules page of Manager, you can order module execution by ordering their names in a list. The table of modules lists the modules present in all project bundles that are currently enabled.
To define the order of module execution
1. Open TDV Manager.
2. Navigate to the Login Modules page.
3. Make sure that all of the modules you need are listed on the page. If any are missing, follow the instructions in Deploying Pluggable Authentication Modules to add them.
4. Select a module from the list.
5. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to position the module in the list.
6. If the list contains a module that you want to keep but not run, use the Change Enabling button to disable the module.
7. If the list contains a module that you no longer want, use Remove Module.