Administration Guide > TDV and SSL Authentication > Setting Up SSL > Setting Up Client Authentication for Relational Database Sources
Setting Up Client Authentication for Relational Database Sources
If all TDV configuration parameter for keystore alias are set to NULL but a registered relational data source requires client authentication, use the method described below to comply. The TDV configuration to use a specific keystore key alias overrides keystore specification defined on individual data sources.
You can put all of the data source keystore and truststore certificates in one file, even for multiple types of data sources.
To configure SSL between TDV Server and data sources registered in Studio
1. Obtain a JKS digital certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), or generate your own using keytool.
2. For data source authentication to TDV, add the certificates to these files:
3. If necessary, change the password of the same two files:
keytool -storepasswd -new <your_password> -keystore cis_server_truststore.jks
4. Restart the TDV Server.