Administration Guide > Managing Security for TDV Resources > Defining or Editing Encryption to Protect TDV Server Data
Defining or Editing Encryption to Protect TDV Server Data
You can use the TDV Manager web interface to lead you through the creation of encryption for your TDV Server. TDV uses a symmetric key to encrypt credentials and other sensitive data that is stored in the server databases.
The Encryption page of Manager can be used to:
Set encryption of your TDV Server (this topic)
Manage encryption settings by exporting or importing an encryption settings file. (see Exporting or Importing an Encryption Settings File From Manager)
To add or edit encryption
1. From Studio, select Administration > Launch Manager.
2. In Manager, select SECURITY > Encryption.
3. Select or specify values for the following fields:
Encryption Algorithm
Value: AES
AES (Advances Encryption Standard) is the industry standard encryption algorithm and replaces the TEAV algorithm entirely.
Encryption Password
Type a password with a minimum of 6 characters. Spaces are not allowed.
Or, click Generate to have TDV create a unique string.
Unique Identifier
Type a unique identifier for the server export with a minimum of 6 characters. Spaces are not allowed.
Or, click Generate to have TDV create a unique string.
Encryption Key Size
Larger sizes imply a longer encryption key and therefore stronger encryption.
128 bits
192 bits
256 bits
4. Click Save Configuration.
This saves and uses the password and unique ID to encrypt the current running TDV Server and all the data stored there.