Administration Guide > Using Version Control and TDV > Creating a VCS connection with SSL Authentication
Creating a VCS connection with SSL Authentication
Enabling SSL certificate verification for Git can be tuned in TDV through the configuration parameter SSL verify (Server > Configuration > VCS > Git). By default this parameter is set to False. Set it to True to enable certificate verification.
Then follow these steps to create a VCS connection with SSL Authentication:
1. Select Manage Connections from the VCS menu.
2. Click Add.
3. Provide the optional Description field.
4. Choose Git from the VCS type drop-down.
5. Provide the GIT SSH url. This will enable the Certificate tab.
6. Click on the Certificate tab.
7. Click on the “Import Certificate KeyStore from File” button.
8. Choose the KeyStore file in the “Import a KeyStore Certificate” window.
9. Click Ok.
Note: Adding an invalid certificate or not providing a certificate to a Git SSH connection will throw an exception while performing any VCS operation on a resource attached to that instance.
10. Choose the Configuration tab again and provide the user and password to verify the connection.
11. Click Verify. In case of any error in the connection url or credentials, an exception will be thrown.
12. Once the connection is verified, choose a Git branch from the drop-down.
13. Click on Set Encryption button to provide an Encryption password.
14. Click Create.
Once a VCS connection is created, all operations (such as Attach, Detach, Commit, Check-in, etc.) can be performed on the VCS instance.