Revising the Model and Relationships
You can revise the model visually as well as control the relationships that are included by:
• Rearranging the tables and relationships using the graphical editor.
• Filter ingthe display of resources and relationships using the toolbar controls.
• Validating and invalidating relationships.
• Adding a user-defined relationship.
To revise the model and relationships
1. In the model Diagram, select any table, right-click, and choose an option from the menu to display information about them.
2. Select a table and move it. Notice that all of its relationship connectors move with the table.
3. Select any relationship line and move it to see how it can be rearranged.
4. With the relationship line selected, click the Edit Relationship button on the model toolbar.
Discovery displays the Edit Relationship dialog.
5. Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose VALID to validate this relationship; then click OK.
7. Click the Hide Views button on the model toolbar to hide the display of the views (green boxes) and their dependencies.
8. Click the white box in the Navigator window and drag to move the entire contents of the diagram.
9. Use the zoom bar or your track wheel to zoom in or out. You can also use the toolbar buttons to adjust the zoom amount.
10. In the model toolbar above the diagram, change the Min Score to 50 to view relationships that have a lower score. Notice that the diagram now shows more relationship lines.
11. Click the Resources tab at the bottom of the window to view all resources included in the model.
12. Click the Relationships tab at the bottom of the window to view all relationships in the model and details about them including their scores.